Welcome to BLASTOFF! This is the place to be if you’re looking for some fun topics, interesting takes on current events, cannabis news and random banter between friends. It’s almost like you’ll be just hanging out with some good friends for an hour! This podcast is intended for audiences 18+, this podcast will also contain smoking as we are both medical patients! We hope you enjoy this as much as we do as we’re proud to present, Blastoff Podcast!
Late Night With Los
Thank you for joining us for another episode of BLASTOFF! For this episode, I had one of my friends on the podcast, Los. We just hung out, had some shots, and smoked a couple joints while doing the podcast. Some topics of discussion that come up this episode had to do with a wide range of topics. From crypto, to psychedelics, to gaming, this episode has something for everyone.
Podcast Instagram/ @blastoffpod
Miguel Instagram/ @ayymigg
Seth Instagram/ @sethkeller0
Grow Page Instagram/ @miggrowsit
Podcast Website/ www.blastoff.buzzsprout.com