Welcome to BLASTOFF! This is the place to be if you’re looking for some fun topics, interesting takes on current events, cannabis news and random banter between friends. It’s almost like you’ll be just hanging out with some good friends for an hour! This podcast is intended for audiences 18+, this podcast will also contain smoking as we are both medical patients! We hope you enjoy this as much as we do as we’re proud to present, Blastoff Podcast!
Draft Day Doobies!
Thank you for joining us again for another episode of BLASTOFF! First things first, we decided to try a new camera angle for this episode, so if you're interested in watching this episode we hope you enjoy the new angle! In this episode we both smoke a pretty fat joint to ourselves and get super baked, we end up discussing the fact that weed as a medicine doesn't get the respect it deserves and the issues with quality control in the medical program. We also cover certain qualities that will make your weed smoke better, or at the very least help you all know what to look for. The NFL Draft just had happened right before this episode so we end up covering some good picks made by certain teams, as well as discuss Lamar Jacksons' 5 year contract extension. We also briefly touch on the topic of sneaker culture, the shoe game, and clothing and how hard it is to just buy shoes and clothes now due to boating. We hope you enjoy this episode and don't forget the video version of this podcast will be available every week! We appreciate every single one of you.
Podcast Instagram/ @blastoffpod
Miguel Instagram/ @ayymigg
Seth Instagram/ @sethkeller0
Grow Page Instagram/ @miggrowsit
Podcast Website/